Pathways15: Silver Linings from the COVID-19 Scoping Survey to the Sector
Debbie Hindle, University of Tasmania
During 2020 COVID-19 disrupted life for most people working and studying in tertiary education. However, despite the challenges, uncertainties and difficulties this caused there also emerged some silver linings. This workshop gives a brief overview of the range of silver linings that were identified through the scoping survey conducted by ADCET in July this year. It will also challenge you to consider how we might carry some of these forward as we create our ‘new normal’.
Debbie has had a variety of roles in the tertiary disability sector through the University of Tasmania including as an NDCO and a Disability Advisor. She currently coordinates a specialist peer mentor program for students on the Autism spectrum and has recently re-taken up the reins as the NDCO for Southern Tasmania. Debbie also worked as a Project Officer for ADCET during 2020 where she was instrumental in developing several initiatives to support the sector respond to the impact of COVID-19.